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Create a buzz with Barnes and Noble + the Urban Bee Lab

Mon, May 6

 |  Barnes and Noble

An eco-friendly plot twist: This Earth Day, we’re not just turning pages; we’re planting them! Yes, you read that right. We’ve created a bookmark and a blooming marvel in partnership with the Urban Bee Lab. Pick up your plantable bookmark and witness a transformation that even Mother Nature would applaud.

Bookmarks are available while supplies last.

Ab0ut Urban Bee Lab

Urban Bee Lab (UBL) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit on a mission to improve bee health. Bees are the ultimate tie that binds food security, climate change, natural disaster mitigation, and ecological preservation.

In partnership with The Best Bees Company, UBL analyzes beehive data and reports results to elucidate trends and advance our understanding of global pollinator health. We aim to conduct cutting-edge research to stabilize honeybee health, and then extend those approaches to other, lesser-studied species of pollinators to promote and preserve biodiversity at corporate, residential, and government sites, and beyond.